Sushine Polishing cloths are available through Amazon and other online retailers.
How do I clean my jewelry?
All jewelry can be cleaned with water and a mild soap. You can use a soft bristle tooth brush to help clean in any hard to reach places.
If you find that your silver or brass jewelry is looking dull and tarnished, I suggest two ways to polish it to make it beautiful again.
Please note: Blackened silver should not be polished as it will remove the black patina. If you have issues with your blackened (oxidized) jewelry, reach out and I can help.
1.) Use a yellow sunshine polishing cloth to gently polish your pieces. This is a a handy thing to have in your jewelry box to maintain your jewelry.
You can order them from Amazon HERE
2.) You can use Bon Ami or Bar Keepers Friend powder cleaner to clean and polish your metal jewelry. You can often find these cleaners in your local grocery store. Mix a little water with the powder to make a paste and gently rub the paste on the metal. Rinse and voila, shiny beautiful metal again! You can repeat the process if the piece is badly tarnished.
Do you do repairs?
I can do repairs (on jewelry that I made only) for a small fee. Please reach out and we can discuss.
Most often, the repairs that I see involve a chain breaking. Please note that chains break and are intended to do so in the event that they get caught on something as to avoid any injury to the wearer. I often find that a chain has broken due to a small child yanking on a necklace. But there are also times when the chain break is due to a weak solder join or link and in that case I will take full responsibility and replace or repair the piece. I will need to evaluate the break to determine the outcome so reach out to me with a picture of the piece and we can discuss it further.
Many of the pendants that I create are integrated into the chain so depending on where the break occurs, it may not be able to be repaired but would need to be replaced.
I lost an earring, can you replace it?
All of the pieces that I make are one of a kind (even when you see that I have made 4-6 of something, they all are unique in some way). In order for me to replace an earring, you will need to ship the earring back to me so that I can remake a match. Because making one earring is not half the time of making two (it just doesn’t work out that way), I will charge 65% of the price of the earrings to recreate the match.
In some cases, an earring pattern or texture may no longer be available (my patterns and textures change over time and I have to retire roll printing plates that are worn down) and the earring will not be able to be recreated to match.
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